Welcome to our school
We are so pleased that your child/children will be starting their primary school journey with us. Starting school is such a special time for both children and parents. Our P.1 induction this year will take place on Wednesday 7th June, where you and your child will have an opportunity to meet the class teacher. Please be assured that we will do everything we can to ensure that your child's transition to primary school is as smooth and exciting as possible. We look forward to meeting you all on our induction afternoon, where you will receive practical information about starting P.1. You will also have the opportunity to receive a school tie and a P.E bag and if needs be, register for our after-school facility, Sparkles.
If you have any questions or worries, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can email cgorman539@c2kni.net or call us on 028 91819141
Starting primary school marks the start of an exciting new chapter. Before you know it, your child will be making friends, learning new skills, and becoming increasingly independent. But how can you help them prepare for this big first step?
Stories and videos are a great starting point in helping to prepare children for change and new situations. Watch the videos below with your child over the summer holidays. Talk to them about all the exciting things they will get to do at school!
Topsy and Tim - First Day
Lucy's First Day at School | Time for School
Starting School by Janet and Allan Ahlberg