
AbbeyPrimary SchoolA place where everyone experiences a sense of belonging to the school family


Welcome toAbbeyPrimary SchoolA place where everyone experiences a sense of belonging to the school family

After School Activities

After-School and Extra-Curricular Activities

We have a wide range of extra-curricular activities which take place either after-school or during the school day. These fantastic clubs offer our pupils amazing opportunities to thrive, grow and succeed outside the classroom as well as learn invaluable skills and discover new passions.


We are incredibly proud to be able to offer a large number of clubs, some of which are staff-led and some of which are taken by outside agencies. 


This is a list of clubs taking place in the 2024-25 academic year, however this list does change from year to year as we offer different opportunities for pupils to engage in as many extra-curricular activities as possible. 


Teacher-led activities                                      Outside Agency activities                      


- Junior Choir                                                                         - Tennis                     

- Senior Choir                                                                         - Girls' Football

- Student Council                                                                    - Ards Academy Football

- Digital Leaders                                                                     - Ards Rugby Club - Rugby Sessions

- Eco Club                                                                               - Theatrics Drama

- Forest School                                                                      

- Orchestra

- ICT Coding Club

- Hockey (Senior Team)

- Social Hockey

- Netball

- Football

- Scripture Union


